TriUnited 2 – July 5, 2015

Like every year, first weekend in July is TriUnited 2 weekend and I was happy to travel with my team mates to Laiya, Batangas for the event.

One of the great things about the race is that we get to meet all Unilab Active Health team mates. On Saturday we went out for a short bike ride together and in the evening we also had our team meeting and lots of fun.

Sunday morning we woke up to the sounds of rain. There was a typhoon entering the Philippine area of responsibility which enhenced the Habaagad moonsoon (as explained by Kuya Kim :)). When we went to race venue and transition, we already heard people talking about the rough ocean conditions. I didn’t worry to much and did my usual run warm-up.

Just before the start the organization decided to cancel the swim. The conditions were too rough and unstable, so the race was going to be a bike-run instead.

I was in the first wave with my fellow elite athletes and thanks to my sprint to the bike and quick transition, first out of T1. It was fun as my team mate John (Chicano) and Ben were right behind on the bike and we biked together within the legal distance.

We entered and exited T2 together and started out on the run. It was the usual 3 lap run course and the first lap we stayed toegther. In the second lap John started to speed up and I decided to keep my pace. Ben had tried to go with John but soon was tired. In the last lap I wanted to speed up but John was too far already and I had no chance to catch him.

I was happy to settle with second place and especially to share the podium with my team mates, John and Ben. Even though the weather was not totally cooperative, it was a great event and a fun and exciting weekend! Looking forward to next TriUnited in October (TU3)!!!